Now readers please take note, the name of the article is probably better read as follows, The insanity of it ALL In no way am I favoring any one topic […]
More Filth
The link below showing more filth raising its ugly head. People, spread the word exposing this for what it is,…..PURE EVIL from the pit of satan’s house. About Clinton […]
About Clinton Hammel
Bit by Bit
It amazes me these days, in fact sometimes I am astonished at people that are so caught up with distractions that they can not see the woods for the trees. […]
About Clinton Hammel
Several days ago I wrote an article, titled, Deceived, over the last 48 hours I have felt to punch out an article referring to the Georgia Guide stones, and then […]
About Clinton Hammel
United Nations – RANT
United Nations HA, won’t be anything I unite with,…..sick bunch of Unscrupulous Non – Godly pieces of filth. I have posted two links to two articles below that should make […]
About Clinton Hammel
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. The above scripture crossed my mind this week as […]
About Clinton Hammel
During the course of the week I was on my way home from work thinking about an interaction I had witnessed between two parties over money. As I was going […]
About Clinton Hammel
Renewing Your Strength
Consider the Eagle Understanding that we are in a time of Warfare, it is critical that we are aware of the importance of being strong in ourselves, that we are […]
About Trevor Davis
Personal interest in helping people determine their vision (purpose), reach their goals, maximise their potential, and develop their Christian walk both within their professional and personal life brought about the forming of Our fathershouse. Founder Trevor Davis, has given his life to building the Local Church, equipping, training, developing and encourage people to maximise their potential through personal development and teaching the Word of God.
House Divided
At the Omega Times we have always attempted to write articles keeping people up to date with what is current, warning the people, or at least keeping them aware of […]
About Clinton Hammel
GENESIS: CREATION ACCOUNT (First six chapters of Genesis)
This work has been put together to dispel erroneous ideas in circulation, to help provide an understanding between science and creation and give people a better understanding on how God […]