Extortion, blackmail a fact of life in churchianity Extortion, blackmail a fact of life in churchianity I was reminded the other day of the big, brown pennies with which I […]

The Omega Times
Extortion, blackmail a fact of life in churchianity Extortion, blackmail a fact of life in churchianity I was reminded the other day of the big, brown pennies with which I […]
Written words hold power Written words hold power The written word appears to be more powerful than the spoken. A famous boxer named Joe Louis, phrased it slightly differently – […]
Secret dots… Secret dots… Car thieves of NZ look out!! ‘Datadot’ is here -– and vehicle tagging is expected to reduce car theft dramatically in this country, as Subaru apply […]
The eternal journey The eternal journey "All mankind is of one author and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but […]
Time for Christians to take a bold stand for Israel Time for Christians to take a bold stand for Israel David Silver As Israel moves on from the third general […]
Something big is in the offing Something big is in the offing "Beware, The Ides of March" .In Shakespeare’s play, "Julius Caesar", a soothsayer confronts Caesar on his way to […]
Paris, Washington and WAR with Iraq Paris, Washington and WAR with Iraq Jacque Chirac and George W. Bush Perhaps if Napoleon was still at the helm, a war with Iraq […]
Your choice Your Choice The Prophecies of the Bible will be fulfilled. The time is short. Don’t wait. You must be ready and prepared for the return of the Lord […]
From the Editor From the Editor Andrew Smith Dear Friends “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every […]
Feet and toes of iron and clay Feet and toes of iron and clay Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream European Union watchers have noted for some time the seeming inability of the EU […]