Harry Potter: Subtle deception or plain evil? Harry Potter: Subtle deception or plain evil? Harry Potter An article from the ‘British Church Newspaper’ caught my attention recently. It is addressing […]

The Omega Times
Harry Potter: Subtle deception or plain evil? Harry Potter: Subtle deception or plain evil? Harry Potter An article from the ‘British Church Newspaper’ caught my attention recently. It is addressing […]
“Aliyah” is holy to the Lord “Aliyah” is holy to the Lord "Aliyah" is the term used to describe the return of the Jewish people to Israel. In Hebrew the […]
Perspectives on Israel Perspectives on Israel Converting a Jew to the Christian faith was always a ‘spiritual target’ for me. I’ve told the story before, but after leaving Bible college […]
Skull and Bones club Skull and Bones club – Bush and… Hitler? Why would the President of the US belong to a secret organisation out of Yale University -– a […]
Why don’t we all give up!… …We can’t change anything anyway… Since the dawn of time, a lot of babies have been thrown out with a lot of bath water. […]
EU Final World Empire EU Final World Empire – Part 6 Some of the major denominations in Britain, particularly the Church of England, acknowledge the pope as the leader of […]
Living in dangerous times Living in dangerous times We live in dangerous times, with a darkening world situation and the increasing likelihood of a war against Iraq led by the […]
Power, Signs & Lying Wonders… Power, Signs & Lying Wonders… On 2nd May 1997, Britain basked in a triumphalist frame of mind when Tony Blair and his government came to […]
Your Choice Your Choice The Prophecies of the Bible will be fulfilled. The time is short. Don’t wait. You must be ready and prepared for the return of the Lord […]
Britannia rules the waves Britannia rules the waves – Part 1 Or so the words of the old song tells us! It’s simply not so you know. Great Britain, as […]