For those who have been led to this page, my goal is to NOT have you to be ignorant of the things that are coming to pass on the earth. We have entered a time of such great deception as has never been seen in the history of man. There are many who are trying to raise the alarm as to the dangers that lay ahead and I hope you take heed of the information presented on this page.
Many will not heed to information and warning on this page and choose to remain ignorant. That is their choice, I pray that you are not among them.
We start off this page with videos from those who are trying to warn the public on what is going on. The first two videos are part of a series called Plandemic. Please take the time to watch them. The first is an Interview with Dr Judy A. Mikovits, Molecular Biologist and Medical Researcher
The next video is the followup in the series. This video goes into the threat of the vaccines, the history of the medical establishment and the way media currently "fact check" and try and discredit truth. This video is a must watch to educate yourself.
The next video is by Dr Carrie Madej, who has been part of meetings where they openly discussed the rollout of "Human 2.0" which is the goal of transhumanism.
1. A belief that humans should strive to transcend the physical limitations of the mind and body by technological means.
2. A movement of people who espouse such a belief.
3. a philosophy favouring the use of science and technology, especially neurotechnology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology, to overcome human limitations and improve the human condition
Dr Carrie Madej goes into great detail as to the ingredients of the Moderna Vaccine, please watch
In this second video, Mike Adams the Health Ranger from Natural News and founder of interviews Dr Carrie Madej. THis video covers some history of Dr Carrie Madej medical journey into exploring vaccines as well as the dangers of the current technology.
Update: Another video was posted on Israeli News Wire with an interview with Dr Carrie Madej covering more insight to the vaccine and the agenda behind this vaccine. Recommend taking the time to listen to this one as well.
Past president of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Lee Merrit MD has also come out and spoken about the issues around the Vaccine. Listen to the interview and understand who Dr Merrit is and why her information is so important.
These new vaccines cause changes to how the human body reacts to infections, especially the same illness that the vaccine is meant to prevent. In this next video Dr Sherri Tenpenny goes through the actions this vaccine will cause to start killing people due to an over reaction of the immune system to a new infection of coronavirus.
Vaccines such as the new mRNA vaccines contain ingredients from aborted children, here is a video that goes through this:
Here is 32 Doctors from 11 Countries who have looked at the studies and are warning people to not take the COVID-19 Vaccine
In the lecture below, Dr. Simone Gold — founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, which has been trying to counter the false narrative surrounding hydroxychloroquine — reviews the dangers discovered during previous coronavirus vaccine trials, and the hazards of current mRNA gene therapies, including antibody-dependent immune enhancement.
More Videos will be added here, please check back
A lot of background documents have been gathered from Government, NGO, Think Tank, Medical Journals and other publications that covers the information that is available. This section will make those documents available for you to review.
Government / NGO Documents
This first document is what is referred to as the Lockstep document. It was initially published in 2010 on the Rockefeller Foundation website, however since has been taken down. This document is linked to a mirrored copy.

Entangled Magazine
Anthony Patch has put together an excellent resource for going through the technology behind the new vaccines. First magazine is below and recommend reading this.

This second magazine goes into how mRNA can and will modify DNA. Again take the time to read and understand this.

Medical Journals
Medical journal articles express concern and recommend caution when rolling out vaccines for coronaviruses:
Coronavirus vaccine-associated lung immunopathology-what is the significance?
Medical professionals trying to shine light on effective treatments have been threatened extensively:
News Articles
More links to follow please check back
The authors(s) aim to provide information in the public domain that is currently censored from open courteous scientific debate, without childish name calling ridicule and outright slander. True science tests and questions not like totalitarian regimes that stop debate; or those who have lost the social skill to debate; or those that have something to hide or push – or all these concerns.
We support policy that supports informed consent, that is pro-choice in vaccination’s and pro-freedom from medical discrimination for everyone.
The Author(s) are in no way against properly tested vaccines or medicine. So anyone that presents people who are concerned about the Covid “vaccine” as all “Anti-Vaxxers”, is misleading, and blatantly dishonest. At best what is presented to the public is an oversimplification of a rushed complex genetic treatment that has not undergone full medical testing normally done over decades not months - it is worthy of open democratic debate.
So without prejudice, this information is the author(s) opinion and not to be seen as medical advice. As with any medical treatment, readers must decide for themselves whether or not to accept the vaccine offered, having regard to the risks and benefits of the 'vaccine', and whether or not they personally believe it is really needed, totally safe or even effective.
About Peter Harvey
Peter is the Webmaster of Omega Times. Peter looks after the technical requirements for Omega Times.
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