The Giants Return to Israel

Israeli author and reporter Barry Chamish, in his book Return of the Giants, has documented how strange, rather unexplainable phenomena have been occurring in Israel as early as 1980 (all of the quotations below are from his book.). Well over a dozen “alien” visitations have been reported and even sightings of demons have been reported by a number of Arabs.[x] He states: “of the seven best documented close encounters with alien beings probably connected to UFOs, six involved giants. These giants were determined to leave evidence of their arrival in the form of cadmium-imbued landing circles, miles of impossible boot tracks and deliberate communication with witnesses.” Chamish believes that the giants people are seeing are related to the biblical Nephilim, Anakim and Rephaim.
While serving in the Israeli Air Force in the Sinai Peninsula, Chamish and Private Adam Reuter were witness to strange lights in the sky that continued for three months. Both men had been trained to identify all kinds of aircraft and to recognize satellites. Chamish recalls: “What we were seeing was nothing like anything taught in our skywatching classes.” The unexplainable objects he says were “highflying, soundless dots in the upper atmosphere that flew in squadrons, stopped in the middle of their flight, joined together then split off in different directions and turned at impossible angles.”
Many other sightings were to follow his and after some time of examining the physical evidence and interviewing other witnesses, Chamish came to the conclusion that what has been happening in Israel is unique. He notes: “the giants thoughtfully chose reliable contactees as witnesses, allowed their craft to be filmed and left in their wake ample physical evidence. In fact, what characterizes the current Israeli UFO wave from others in the world, is the sheer abundance of physical evidence left behind by the visitors.”
One witness of an “alien” visitation is Shosh Yahud who “awoke to see a seven foot, round faced being in silvery overalls circling her bed as if ‘floating on his shoes.’ The creature assured her he was not there to harm her and she became relaxed. After a few minutes the being floated through her wall outside.” She relates how she thought the whole thing was a dream until she looked out her window only find “a 4.5 meter crop circle in her backyard [comprised of] silicon and cadmium.”
Another witness is Ada, a medical electronics technician, from Kfar Saba which is where several unidentified flying objects were recorded on video. In the summer of 1993 she went to her bedroom for an afternoon nap when she saw “a three-dimensional being less than a meter” away from her. She notes that he was tall and was “wearing a ‘space suit’ of silver and green. The being emitted white beams from his waist area.” The emission of light reminds of us the Bible’s warning that even Satan’s is able to transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). In order to set the stage for the grander deception that is coming upon the world, Satan needs to condition the world that the beings that are coming are glorious and have magnificent bodies.
The hardest evidence to dismiss that fallen angels are appearing in Israel comes from the village of Yatzitz, twelve miles east of Rishon Letzion. Chamish reports:
Herzl Casatini, the village security chief and his friend Danny Ezra were sharing conversation when they heard an explosion and felt Ezra’s house shake. Herzl opened the door and stood face to face with a nine foot tall creature in metallic clothes whose face was hidden in “a haze.” He shut the door and called the police. They arrived and discovered deep boot tracks in the hard mud. The tracks sunk 35 centimeters into the ground meaning whoever made them had to have weighed, literally, a ton. […] The tracks carried on for 8 kilometers. […] Sometimes the distance between tracks was twelve feet, (picture available at
Just like Mack and Jacobs, Chamish forecasts that the arrival of these beings will have dire consequences: “The biblical giants were God’s enemy and Israel’s armies were the means to their utter destruction. There is a legitimate reason to contemplate the recent re-arrival of giants in Israel with a good measure of dread.” The entities appear to be none other than the fallen angels (sons of God) who, in the days before the flood, took the daughters of men and produced the Nephilim/giants by them. The in-depth research of Mack, Jacobs and Chamish indicates that the prophecy of Daniel 2:43 (“they will mingle with the seed of men”) has already begun.

They Flee at the Name of Jesus
There is one final proof that these so called “aliens” are in fact demons that are hell bent on destroying humanity – and that is the fact that they flee at the name of Jesus. Abduction researchers David Ruffino and Joe Jordan discuss in their book Unholy Communion: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon, Where It Originates – And How It Stops how the phenomenon of abductions is real but the entities commonly referred to as “aliens” are in fact demons. They have counseled and documented more than 300 actual test cases of people that claim to have been abducted and have encouraged many of those abductees to put their faith in Jesus. After doing so, many found that the abductions ceased forever and if the entities returned then just mentioning the name of Jesus would cause them to flee.[xi] The entities in question, therefore, are demonic and not truly “aliens” from some other world but are trying to deceive the world of the impending rapture of believers before the beginning of the tribulation.
This conclusion is noted in an article from March 2007 entitled Alien Abductions Stopped by the Name of Jesus Christ, Stephen Yulish. He states that he believes that “extraterrestrials are not aliens from another planet or galaxy, but are instead fallen angels here to undertake a diabolical plan that is more sinister than any alien invasion.” [xii] He notes that ultimately the UFO battle is not for the planet but for the soul of man. He writes: “These extraterrestrial fallen angels are setting us up for the coming great deception where those people left behind when the body of Christ is caught up to be with Him in the air during the harpazo (rapture) will believe that those who have suddenly vanished were abducted by UFOs.”[xiii] Yulish is likewise convinced that the current UFO “alien” deception is nothing new; it is just a repeat of how things were in the days of Noah.
Based on the extensive investigation of many researchers, among them John Mack from Harvard, who interviewed on numerous occasions over one hundred abductees, we see the demons have been harvesting eggs from women and sperm from men for many years. According to the testimony of some abductees, they are using the genetic material to create hybrid babies – that is a mix between themselves and humans. This is also the dire conclusion of researcher Dr. David Jacobs who has determined that the “aliens” are not just experimenting on humans but have a specific program that they are working to accomplish. Their goal, according to him, is to create an “alien”-human hybrid race and take control of the planet. Thus, we have come full circle to the days of Noah. Once again Satan and his hordes are attempting to corrupt the image of man by mixing their seed with humans. However, whereas the abductee cases are limited to a number of people, a time is coming when they will attempt to mingle their seed with all of humanity on a global scale, which we will see in chapter seventeen.
The most obvious conclusion is that we are currently living in the days that are just like the days of Noah. Though people are going about their business thinking that everything is fine and will go on indefinitely, judgment is quickly approaching. It is approaching quickly because of what is happening behind the scenes; the sons of God have returned and have resumed their devilish program wherein they see that the daughters of men are good and are taking them as wives (think: their seed and for their incubation) in order to create Nephilim. As the many abductees have testified, the “aliens” are using their sperm and eggs to create a new race (post human). The demons are mingling their seed with the seed of men, just like the book of Daniel prophesied. In the book of ancient Jewish book of Giants we read that the demons also mixed the seed of different animals together (miscegenation) and created monsters and giants. Could this really happen in our days? The fact is it has already begun.
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