Food and Resource Crisis ... or just a Figment of the Imagination?

There is a very real and distinct possibility that what many are saying will be one of the most critical periods of human history could now be an actual reality and not just an empty illusion as suggested by many detractors opposing the prophets of doom.
Most have not been aware, but now are becoming aware that by some strange inexplicable reason earth and nature itself is voicing its own objectionable protest against human extravagance and abuse.
The Bible itself proclaims how before the final return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth a second time the earth would be in a state of turmoil and distress. These times have been referred to biblically as earths birthing pangs and maybe co-incidentally a new season and era is in the process of being brought forth.
If you take the time to search on the net and check out the simple number in time of the year 2012 you like myself will be astounded at what comes up. Not only by way of information but also the shear volume of facts and diverse subjects relating to those facts. This year, 2012, is unfolding as very critical and strategic year in history in every way. Astrophysicists, archeologists, scientists, as well as theorists and mystics all point to 2012 as being a major year of transition and upheaval as it attempts to reposition itself in an entirely new geographical and spiritual dimension.
I personally was overwhelmed by the huge amount of prophetic warning and scientific data apart from all the mystical information assembled, which has been construed as a specific point or moment in time when creation itself will arise and retaliate striking the hand of its human slave masters. You see biblically when God placed man on the earth he told him to replenish the earth and take dominion over it. Rationalistic minds would have us believe that we are to take whatever we need and not care for or tend to natures own restoration. And please do not accuse me of being a green or a tree hugger as I reject most of that extremism, but I do believe we as custodians have been placed here by God not to plunder but replenish the earth so it is able to regenerate in every way. We are the stewards of the land as it were, have a responsibility and duty to makes sure we sustain its resources and appreciate its fruit. What have we actually done however to fulfill that very mandate we have been given by God our creator. I think very little, we have plundered its resources in every way and in the process, have destroyed much of its ability to rejuvenate. Hence we are now staring down the barrel of a weapon that has the potential that could destroy much if not all of humanity from off the face of this globe.
If we are to believe all that is being predicted for the years ahead particularly 2012 then we had better wake up and heed the signs and warnings, because there are vast and ominous directives being posted by not only the speculative doomsayers but also by authorities and government agencies all around the world. The terminology they use is nothing short of alarming to say the least, words such as catastrophic ……. meltdown …….. crisis ……. Impending collapse …… disaster …... the end of civilization etc.
These are not words that one hears in everyday conversation but if you check out the year as I suggested earlier in this article by using an internet search engine you should be alarmed by what you uncover. European governments and bodies around the world are frantically building seed vaults and underground facilities for the survival of humanity through this traumatic period.
Here are some of the secondary plans relating to official government agencies viewpoints in these issues that I will mention.
United States Pentagon, realizing the fate facing our world and its future has prepared a report summarized by the British Guardian Unlimited News Service. In their article titled "Key findings of the Pentagon" it states:
They further state:
Between 2010 and 2020 Europe will have been hardest hit by climatic change with an average annual temperature drop of 6F. Climate in Britain becomes colder and drier as weather patterns begin to resemble Siberia. Deaths from war and famine run into the millions until the planet's population is reduced by such an extent the Earth can cope. Riots and internal conflict will tear apart India, Pakistan, South Africa and Indonesia.
Access to water will become a major battleground. A 'significant drop' in the planet's ability to sustain its present population will become apparent over the next few years. Areas like the US and Europe will become 'virtual fortresses' protecting their shores from migrants entering from land drowned by sea-level rise or no longer able to grow crops.
By 2010 the US and Europe will experience a third more days with peak temperatures above 90F. Climate will become an 'economic nuisance' as storms, droughts and hot spells create havoc for farmers. More than 400m people in subtropical regions are at grave risk. Mega-droughts will affect the world's major breadbaskets, including America's Midwest, where strong winds will bring soil loss.
The one consistent theme woven through all these international and industrial military complex’s dire predictions always without exception highlights the issue of population reduction and so I conclude as do many others most of their official information is not speculation but mass mind conditioning and intentional planning. I came across a website here in Australia the other day produced from information out of the United Nations, that gave a graph as to what is acceptable for an individual defining his or her personal use of environmental privilege, such things as use of air, food, waste disposal, resources, pollution production etc. Its obvious intent was to show each of us what we are going to be entitled to by ultimate legislation. It went on to encourage each to fill in the graph and demonstrate visually how ones excess use is now affecting someone else’s. It did not stop there it went on to suggest that if we will not moderate our personal usage we voluntarily need to offer ourselves up for elimination suggesting we kill ourselves. Further it again informed that if we do not make the changes they will need to be made for us…
We are constantly being told of the impending bird flue epidemic that awaits its initial mutation allowing it to transmit to humans and cause the devastation envisioned. There is also the continual conditioning of Global warming and all the associated anomalies such as fossil fuel and . natural resource elimination. The ‘fight for survival’ has been planned by Military Leaders as leading to their enslavement programs under a Military totalitarian Police State The forgoing "Bird Flu Outbreaks Reported In United States and Canada, read ………Toronto Hospitals Begin Quarantine Lockdown as Canadian and American Authorities Order News Blackout, Bio-Virus Released In Washington D.C." These announcements are not without sinister purpose. American Social Commentator Alan Bock in his essay titled "Posse Comitatus: Remembering Why" says :In order to implement a world wide control it is necessary to remove all national guarantees of human liberty and sovereign constitutional rights
Posse Comitatus is a Latin phrase that sounds obscure to most people, so it might not seem like a big thing to amend the act to make it easier to deploy the military in essentially civilian duties. But it is a big thing. Towards the goal of creating a total world Fascist Police State, modeled after Nazi Germany, the outrages of the Military and industrial leaders internationally, (not just the U S) continue as they are now changing their laws to allow for civilian control of their people by Military Intelligence Forces, and exactly like those granted to the dreaded Gestapo Forces of Nazi Germany.
A New York Times article chilling states:
"The Defense Intelligence Agency seeks exemption from law to give officers greater latitude in interviewing potential intelligence sources inside the US, The provision, which was already approved allows defense intelligence officers to interrogate without identifying themselves The agency's intend recruiting spies inside their respective countries. Intelligence agencies had been hamstrung with Privacy Acts, which require agents to notify intent.
Thus Military and governmental leaders of the world choose control of their citizens by legislation placing Military and Police Forces over citizenry, should a crisis like Bird Flu eventuate.
Here is a script for such a scenario planned for the USA but the same legislation is now universal
Mankind is at the crossroads of its existence and along with this, many personal decisions will have to be made by every individual, concerning his family his property his liberty and last but not least his religious conviction. The extreme difficulty for some though is the fact that much of the information needed to make those valid and critical decisions rest with the access to knowledge and proper education. Not only practical analysis of data but also spiritual and biblical data as well. How can a man make an informed decision with out possession of all the accumulated facts.
No wonder the Bible states that Gods people and also the general public are destroyed for the lack of access to and accumulation of knowledge. In this absolutely frightening time not only is the average man in the street uniformed and ignorant to what is actually happening but worse is the fact that the so called church of Christ is uniformed and ignorant. The question is why? Is it because of intentional ignorance or because we just do not understand the big picture. I contend there are two reasons behind these bizarre phenomena … firstly saints and Christians themselves have been induced into a state where they no longer read anything and more importantly no longer study the Bible any more. Thus we have created a Christian society that is bent on personal contentment and pleasure with all needed information required to fit within this narrow criteria of, DOES IT BENEFIT US PHYSICALLY OR LITTERALLY. If it does not, then it is superfluous to us, unnecessary and therefore irrelevant. The second reason I believe, is that like the dark ages there has been a hidden agenda within the hierarchy of religious and educational leadership that is also bent on dumbing down the average persons intellect in order to make the common man subject to and dependant on those who hold the knowledge.
This is both confirmed by One World advocates and secondly and most importantly by the Bible, Gods word through prophetic prediction. It warns us constantly of a time when men would no longer endure sound doctrine and would depart from the truth turning instead to fables and theories of man and enticing and seductive spiritual influences that gratify the fleshly appetites. Apart form the results the question remains what of the motives was this done intentionally or just through chance and circumstance. Well the Bible again comes to our defence in this matter when it concludes in the Epistle of Peter
2 Peter 3:1
Behold this second epistle I write to you, my dearly beloved, in which, I stir up by way of admonition of your sincere mind: That you may be mindful of those words which I told you before from the holy prophet and of your apostles, of the precepts of the Lord and Saviour.
Knowing this first: That in the last days there shall come deceitful scoffers, walking after their own lusts, Saying: Where is his promise or his coming?
For since the time that the fathers slept, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
For this reason THEY ARE WILLFULLY IGNORANT of: That the heavens were before, and the earth out of water and through water, consisting by the word of God:
The chapter goes on to explain that Gods patience for humanity demands grace and time to allow everyone who will respond, to respond and then the end will come. But notice the phrase, that men will be willingly ignorant it is their own personal choice that creates and encourages this outcome.
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