
For the 2nd issue running, we have increased our page size to
28 pages. It only seems like yesterday that we made, what was in
hindsight, a very brave move involving the transition of Barry
Smith’s ministry in general and Andrew Smith’s
editorship in particular.
THE OMEGA TIMES is a bi-monthly,
full colour magazine, sold by subscription
and through selected retail outlets,
which looks at world events in the
light of Bible prophecy, and promotes
Bible truth. We seek to draw comment
from reliable sources, but absolute
accuracy (apart from Bible Scripture)
cannot be guaranteed. Articles which
are not written by the publishers of
Omega Times do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Omega Times.
Editor: Allan Rasmussen
Publisher: The Reflections Trust
& The Hay Family Trust
Mail: PO Box 1174, Capalaba, Queensland 4157, Australia
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 7 3245 1026
Website: www.omegatimes.com
Design: Sharryn Rasmussen
This was only 18 months ago, and the magazine that Andrew was
producing was single colour, 12 pages. We took a giant step of
faith and our first effort in June 2005 boasted a heady 16 pages
in full colour!! In the course of time, we increased the size to
20 pages, then 2 issues later to 24. Now we are filling 28
Someone asked me 6 months ago – "Have you the
information and the material available to continue producing the
magazine?" My answer was obvious, given the increase of size
since. While the world is the way it is and there is prophecy to
be fulfilled, our task will never be completed.
There are only 2 provisos to our continuity. The first is our
time – we work with a skeleton staff and are very time
pressured. A magazine in the "real world" of this quality would
require at least 3 times the staff. The second is the continuing
growth of subscribers. This is becoming a problem. The major
growth driver happens when Omega Times and people with an end
times interest meet. This is best achieved in public meetings and
we are finding, as Barry did in his last years, that the churches
generally, no longer want the end times message. The people do,
but if the churches no longer invite you to come, how do the
people hear?
However, we are determined to do a set of public meetings in
New Zealand in 2007, and in particular, establish there what we
have begun in Australia – an annual Omega Times Seminar
over 3 days and nights. Our original plan was to hold this on the
Smith property at Pelorus Bridge, but the facilities there are
being upgraded and not currently available. If you can help in
any way with suggestions to kick-start this in New Zealand, we
would love to hear from you.
Despite the challenges of getting the message out, we have
increased the magazine size 3 times now in 18 months, and we have
managed to hold the subscription costs at the same level through
the savings benefits of offshore printing and posting. We are
extremely grateful to you, our committed subscribers, as this is
solely due to your interest and support.
Finally, look for the advert in this issue regarding the 2007
Omega Times Tour to Israel for the Feast of Tabernacles next
October. This is a shorter tour than the one we undertook this
year, and we invite you to join us for the trip of a
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