Illuminati Infiltrates Catholic Church

Eye of Horus on lintel of
The Church of Anunciation in Nazareth
A priority for me on
our Omega Times tour of Israel was to
check out a story I had heard regarding the altar of the Church
of the Anunciation in Nazareth, the Galilean town where Jesus
grew up. I had been told that the Eye of Horus, the allseeing eye
of the Illuminati, was displayed over the altar of this
On arriving there with The Omega Times tour group a few short
weeks ago, I found very quickly that not only was this the case,
but was shocked to find the same Egyptian/Babylonian symbol
displayed over the lintel at the main entrance of the church as
well. This then was no accident of chance, but a purposeful
design with a message in mind.
This is absolute evidence that the Catholic Church has indeed
been infiltrated by the Illuminati and its Masonic and mystery
Babylon fellow travellers.

Close up view of the Eye of Horus
over altar in the Church of
Anunciation in Nazareth
Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit Priest and the founder of the
Illuminati in 1776, formed a plan to dissolve all differences of
belief that would eventually have the result of taking over the
papacy and placing an agent of its own in the chair of Peter.
This occultic influence of satanic power was to be symbolized
by a triangle or pyramid, a sign of mystical faith, with the open
eye of Lucifer, the eternal watcher of the world. This pagan
symbol comes from the Egyptian trinity of Osiris, the sun; Isis,
the moon goddess and their child Horus. This pagan trinity then
is the worship of Father, Virgin mother, and son.
The success of this infiltration of the Catholic Church is
shown by the fact that the all-seing eye overlooked the crowds
who gathered for the Philadelphia Eucharistic Congress
in 1976, and it appeared on a set of Vatican stamps in 1978! Now
it appears at the Nazareth altar above the images of Jesus
Himself and the dove, symbolizing the Holy Spirit.
The origins of this Jesuit-led treachery go right back to
Ignatius Loyola, who was the founder of the Jesuit order. He
belonged to the "Los Alumbrados", an Illuminati-styled witchcraft
group. (see Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol 14, 1910, pg 320.)
Incidentally, the Jesuits have their own "Black Pope," the
current incumbent being Count Hans Kolvenbach.
The planned takeover mentioned above regarding the Papacy is
not future. It has already happened! After 200 years, the
Illuminists of the New World Order finally achieved their
objective, by installing their own illuminist as Supreme Pontiff.
This happened when Pope Paul VI came to power. With the
installation of Paul VI, the stage was set to promote the new
World Order’s holy grail of One World Religion. The
Illuminati plan to eliminate differences of religious belief by
the leading of a Pontiff was first seen when Pope Paul VI went to
the meditation room of the UN and undertook an occultic
initiation ritual in the place where the all-seeing eye is
represented by the 6 world faiths – Buddhism, Hinduism,
Islam, Judaism, Confucianism and Christianity.

UN Meditation Room
The bulletin recording the meaning and the purpose of the UN
meditation room was printed by the Lucis Trust, which was
established as the Lucifer Trust by the occultists Alice Bailey
and Blavatsky in 1922 to disseminate occult books, but changed
its name the next year to avoid showing its true nature. This is
now the publishing house located in the UN building which
disseminates UN publications!
Following the Meditation room incident, Pope Paul VI took a
broken cross and held it up to be revered by the people, who had
no idea this was used by Satanists as far back as the 6th
century, and by black magicians and sorcerers in the Middle Ages
as a sign of the Mark of the Beast! (The two John Paul’s
who followed him in the Papacy also did the same thing.) Then he
appeared at Yankee Stadium wearing the same styled Ephod as worn
by Caiphas who called for the crucifixion of Christ.

On his return to Rome, he said that Rome was ready to take a
new look at secret societies. As a result, on November 27, 1983,
the new Pope, John Paul II, issued a Papal Bull which legalized
secret society membership for Roman Catholics. Then in 1986, at
the celebrations held to honour St Francis of Assisi, the screw
tightened further. The Pope participated in a multireligious
prayer for world peace which emphasized unity of all world
People were shocked to see the Pontiff share a platform with a
Tibetan Lama, a Native American medicine man, A Jewish Rabbi, a
Hindu swami and a Maori high priest. This literal opening of a
religious Pandora’s Box now led to the next step in the
Illuminist plan where in a seminar in Boston in 1990, the
Director of the Theosophical Society boldly called for a New
World Order religion to be implemented by the means of the Pope
traveling to Jerusalem to convene a Global religious Conference,
at which he would be free to announce that all the world’s
religions would be one.

The Church of the Anunciation in Nazareth
The Papacy and the Catholic Church are now compromised and
controlled by the proponents of the New World Order – led
wittingly or unwittingly by the adversary of all mankind who
Jesus spoke of when instructing us how to deal with him by saying
"resist the devil and he will flee." This puppet church is now in
the hands of the satanic puppeteer, who will continue to pull the
strings that will draw them, or at least its leader, into the
role of heading up the Antichrist’s One World church.
Grateful thanks to Pastor
Geoffrey Cann of Young, N.S.W.
for supplying internal photographs of the Church of

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