Conspiracy Theorists or Watchmen

From time to time
we receive mail from interested people
asking us how we come by our information. (The short answer is
research, more research, and key contacts) On the other hand we
are criticized by some as Conspiracy Theorists, which sounds very
negative and bordering on the criminal, and would be if the
information we reveal was guesswork, idle fantasy, or
unsubstantiated reports.
We trust the following story will show that what we share is
vital in uncovering the deception, lies, and agenda of the One
World, New Age, Illuminati cartel. In the June 2005 issue of The
Omega Times, Brian Hay wrote an article entitled, "The Moon
Calendar." In it he mentioned the former USSR President, Mikhail
Gorbachev, who has spent the last 10 years drafting the Earth
Charter, a blueprint for One World Government. Gorbachev has
written and planned this document in a place we would have
thought unthinkable a few years ago - in heartland USA, at the
Presidio, the former military facility in San Francisco, in
quarters donated to him by the US Government. Do we need to be
concerned? You bet!
Recently, I received an invitation from the Multi-Faith Centre
at Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Brisbane, to attend an
"Interfaith dialogue toward Sustainable futures for Humanity and
Planet Earth." Part of the programme is a presentation titled
Earth Charter Project in Schools by one Louise Erbacher of the
Queensland Earth Charter Committee. In schools no less! This is
the strategy that has been successfully prosecuted before, one
such being the Hitler Youth. Win the hearts and minds of young
people today and the world will be changed tomorrow.
Are we conspiracy theorists? I don’t think so! God in
these last days has been appointing His chosen watchmen to be on
the walls alert and awake to sound the alarm, so that His
Glorious Church would be aroused from slumber when the enemy
comes like a thief to kill, steal and destroy.
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