Cold Empty Hearts
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While spending time in Eastern Europe, the desperate need for
real relationship with God, has hit us forcefully. It appears
that many people have not emerged from the dark ages – the
battle between Protestantism and Catholicism is still being
fought. ‘Image’ is inflated beyond measure and God is
dutifully, if unenthusiastically, visited in numerous but
lifeless buildings during the periods of the year set aside for
Him. The level of hatred for the neighbouring countries and
cultures that have warred with each other for years is
astounding, and has successfully penetrated even the
‘remnant’ of people who really want to know God. (I
mentioned that I’d never heard of Montenegro until I came
to Europe and a Croatian believer said firmly, "That does not
matter...") Normal life here seems to consist of portraying an
image that life is prosperous and full and yet the reality is not
Entire populations of people seem to inhabit cafes, nightclubs
and pubs in an effort to still the gnawing emptiness inside. When
the excitement from this runs out, the next stage is a high level
of drug use. The small Bible study groups we attended were full
of mothers with the same anguished prayer request – my son
is an addict...
Just before the Catholic world in Croatia went into the period
of Lent, nationwide there were fancy dress parades with costumes
of every description. The people were out in force celebrating
their last opportunity to engage in unlimited sin before Lent put
an end to it all. We were out on the streets performing a drama
portraying God’s creation, the devil’s seduction of
the created beings to the very things that they are struggling
with in their society right now, and the expression of
Jesus’ love which is seen in His death on the cross. At the
crucifixion scene, the air was tense and a little boy cried out
to ‘Jesus’ from the front of the crowd, "Where is
your Daddy? Why doesn’t He do something?"
I couldn’t stop thinking about this little one’s
question. "Where is our Daddy and why doesn’t He do
something?" Revelation 3:20 tells us that He’s still where
He’s always been, regardless of the period of history
– at the door of our hearts inviting us into relationship
with Him. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears
My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with
him and he with Me." Religion, void of this relationship with God
leaves cold and empty hearts.
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