To the Editor
Dear Barry
I have always enjoyed your presentations when you have come
to Harare and I look forward to seeing you again one day. The attack on
September 11 has shocked the whole world and galvanized many believers into
getting right with the Lord and not taking our walk with Him too lightly
anymore. In the light of that horrendous attack, I now see a perfect opportunity
for the computer chip to be inserted under the skin. I have always pondered how
the One World Government could 'sell' this chip to humanity at large and of
course the answer is now staring us in the face -– it's called terror... What
better way to control terrorist funds, monitor movement of suspected terrorists
and keep an eye on people on is interesting to note that there are 7
million Muslims in the U.S alone. What did the U.S do to Japanese and Germans in
the 2nd world war? They stuck them into internment camps! Maybe one
of the reasons for America's concentration camps being so extensive and huge...any
person not accepting the mark or perceived to be a threat to the NWO will be put
into these concentration camps -– that means 7 million Muslims, and all people
who come to know the Lord AFTER the rapture. There you have it, the saints and
all fundamentalist enemies all struck off the list in one go....Tony Ballinger,
Dear Tony,
Thanks for your thoughts. I don't believe our imaginations
can not comprehend what will occur in these last days. The scenario you present
is quite possible -– as the world reels from one terror, we unwittingly accept
a system of control and terror, like never seen before. International
surveillance, control of individuals, detention and punishment for dissenters.
What has been science fiction until now is quickly becoming non-fiction -– true
human rights will be bulldozed aside, as power groups who hold no respect for
the individuals of this world, let alone resistors of their agenda's, play
their hand openly. Yes, some Christians and some Muslims will be dealt with
severely... The wonder of it all is that man has not learnt from history, that
crimes against humanity do not pay -– for the God who created human life, and
respect of life will step in -– and their are severe consequences involved. God
also sustains His people, even in times of great suffering. What a wonderful
hope we have in the lover of our souls... "Fear not them which
kill the body...but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body
in hell" Matthew 10:28. Ed (in Barry's absence)
Dear Ed
The Bible says that the mark is an actual mark on the hand or
forehead, not a card. So is it okay to accept any prototype before it becomes an
actual physically irremovable mark? The Bible also makes clear that a person
accepting the mark is knowingly rejecting the God of the Bible and His son
Jesus. So, even if there is a universal marking system installed whereby
everyone needs to be barcoded or microchipped, unless people accepting the mark
are made to verbally reject Christ, then that will not be the mark of the beast
as described in the Bible. In the meantime, enjoy the fruits and convenience of
technological progress until such time as it is taken from us; enjoy the
convenience of ATM's and credit cards, of instant communication to brothers
and sisters in Christ anywhere in the world, the wealth our western societies
generate so we Christians can share with our less fortunate brothers and
sisters. "It is better to light a single candle than curse the darkness".
Internet Reader "Berean"
Dear Berean
Firstly, I like your name...yes technology is convenient and
at this time enhances my life, speeds up transactions, provides accessibility,
saves time and energy...but there will be a turning point where the system
will be seen for what it really is, a tool of gradualism, which is used to set
up the antichrists dominion - the antichrist is 'one who stands in the place
of Christ'. What is not evident at this time is 'how this system could
possibly be seen as evil'... At the moment the system is 'not overtly evil'
time, the systems true purpose will be seen. The antichrist himself will be a
heathenistic, godless man, who will tout 'his system -– and his miracles -–
and his abilities to solve complex world issues as being his credentials to rule'...sadly,
a world disillusioned by a history of Sept 11ths and Middle East conflicts and $
problems will receive him. Revelations 13 and 14 paint the picture well...this
antichrist has a mouth which boasts great things...he receives authority and
power to rule (part of God's plan), he blasphemes God -– and fights God's
people, and ultimately with the help of the false prophet (who performs
miracles) causes people to worship him, he survives a deadly assassination
attempt -– apparently having the power to give life (the ultimate miracle)!
Verse 14 The false prophet causes all to worship the beast -– or die... Keep in
mind here, that the antichrist system or 'Spirit of this world' is
already ruling peoples lives right at this moment. This generation known as 'pleasure
seekers' lives according to the manipulative spirit of the world as we
write -– each of us is touched to some degree by it's message of peer group
pressure and inferiority. The media feeds us the spirit of this world daily in
2002...It is not a huge transition to the prophetic Bible stage... We must
therefore walk with God in the spirit so that we do not fulfil the lusts of the
flesh. In summary -– the technological system is not the issue, the purpose
behind it is! Ed
Dear Ed
Please forgive me for not being clear enough in
distinguishing between the smart card and the mark of the beast...I agree 100%
that the mark is to be applied to the hand and head. Personally however, I will
be drawing the line when it comes to receiving such technological implants, even
if it doesn't involve denouncing the Lord Jesus Christ. In addition, could you
please demonstrate from Scripture where it explains that people who receive the
mark will have to verbally reject Christ. Clint Vize
Dear Clint,
I trust the reply to the last letter is of assistance. Ed
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The following letters relate to the one theme so I have
included them together...
Dear Ed
Patrick Ikiua's article "Is there any Christ in Christmas"
(December publication) left me reflecting on the roles we parents play in our
young children's lives. We blatantly went along with the idea of keeping the
'Father Christmas' mystique a well guarded secret, daring the older ones to
'let the cat out of the bag' at their peril. What we were, and presumably
still are doing, is telling our little ones bare-faced lies, while at the same
time educating them that telling fibs was very wrong. How deceived we are by the
devil! The Bible tells us that Satan is the father of lies. Perhaps it hasn't
occurred to many people that Santa is an anagram of Satan. I believe there is
need for reflection by young and old alike. Yours truly, Eddie Simmons, Auckland
Dear Barry
Having read the two letters in the Jan issue re/. Christmas
-– it is obvious from them that many people do know Christmas and Easter
are pagan festivals...It must be ten years ago I was spending Christmas with my
daughter and her family. She had made a beautiful wreath and hung it up. But I
don't think I got much sleep that night, because it seemed the question
repeated over and over again 'Why are we celebrating a birth with our symbols
of death -– wreaths and crosses...therefore I set about finding the meaning of
Christmas...The answer came -– pagan festivals and I have never celebrated
either since... People celebrate Christmas and Easter because they like and
enjoy doing so. Both are spiritual adultery. So in the reality, is not that the
same as reason people commit adultery in the physical?...Do these festivals
replace the gospel to many people and become the foundation of their
Christianity. Surely a deliberate lie is a very rocky foundation. God bless you
all. Penny Dickson, Herts England
Dear Ed
To begin, thank you for your prayers (December issue -
Elisabeth). Next, I wish to tell you how very disappointed I was at reading
Patrick Ikiua's column. I have never seen a worse case of fence sitting. The
Bible tells us "Let your yes be yes and your no be no!" James 5:2. God wants
us to be either hot or cold but not lukewarm. Five years ago I was in utter
despair as to how I was going to afford Christmas presents, and I prayed
deliberately to the Lord for an answer. At the time I was being very hopeful for
cash -– Yet God in His wisdom gave me "Christmas is not of me" husband
and I began to study about "Christmas". Wow, we were shocked! Patrick spoke
truly about it being a pagan festival, and Andrew -– that should be the
winning argument right there!!!...far too many people worship Jesus on one
day of the year, yet it should happen every day...Please don't tell a lie ("Christmas")
to tell people the truth about our beloved saviour. He deserves better than that
by far - John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you
free". Dear fellow Christ followers, please take heed and choose what side of
the fence you wish to be on -– there are no half measures in following Christ
Jesus...Elisabeth Hawthorne, Sth Australia.
Dear Christmas Issue Friends
Thanks for your thoughts on the matter -– let each be
persuaded in their own mind...we will give account for all that we do in this
life. Depending on how you read Patrick's article -– we're all on the same
side! Fence sitting? I don't think so... As usual with a 'pendulum' issue,
the question is 'the level of enthusiasm one wishes to apply to this
particular topic'. To some, it's an important issue, to others, not so much.
Each believer must decide how they wish to deal with it before God. We should be
able to state our view and then 'move on' leaving it with people to decide
for themselves... Ed.
Click here to read Patrick's December article
Dear Ed
Re/. Cleopatra's needle. I'm London-born and worked there
to retirement, so I've often seen Cleopatras Needle right by the river Thames.
I've always understood that it was an ancient obelisk, 'stolen' from Egypt
(covered with Egyptian writing which only experts can read), when Britain was an
Empire. I may be wrong but I always thought it was the only one. Perhaps the one
in the U.S is a copy...I recall a film of many years this story the
computers of a space craft become like creatures with free will, to the horror
of the pilots the computers tell them they are rocketing them to the centre of
the universe -– when they arrive they see a huge jet black obelisk
Just like Cleopatra's needle. I was horrified as this was
supposed to be "God!"...the film was called "Year 2001". Thanks to you
and Barry and all, for keeping us so informed...we are in the Omega Times.
Daphne Handford, Derby England
Dear Daphne
Most interesting -– we have very few sites of archaeological
significance in New Zealand, when you visit places like England it's all quite
fascinating. To discover that there are further items of significance to be
studied in a 'local structure' or design is amazing...thanks for your letter
and thoughts. Some interesting material comes out of sci-fi movies Ed
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